Monday, October 27, 2008

Good bye, LA!

I'm leaving LA!

Yes I've made my decision of moving back to Miami for a while to live with my family. I've realized that I need to take sometime to get myself reorganized: Things like making some money, getting back in shape and most importantly, I need to make a plan for myself--A plan that can guide me through the next few years of my life. In the past few weeks I've been asking myself a lot of questions, life, career, family.... I don't really have a clear vision of how to deal with all these elements in life. Maybe it's time to draw some diagrams to help myself learn and analyze the complexity of life dynamics :P Actually they've already got lots of books on that subject. I always thought that those people probably have had the some kind of psychological breakdown or life crisis before the wrote the books. The kind of breakdown like the ones I'm having right now.... Yeah, I need to save myself form the crisis. I've still got an amazing life waiting for me to go through, I need to be ready.

To all my friends in LA, You'll all be missed. And I promise I'll be back one day.

Good bye, LA.

1 comment:

Jihyeun Byeon said...

good luck ye master, there's no easy answer to that kind of questions anyways.. those books just bs to make people feel better temporarily. i really hope u get back in shape like your profile picture and come back to LA in style. or not.